Magazine design for Canberra Southern Cross Club by Jen Leheny
These magazines are posted to members of the Canberra Southern Cross Club and contain information about upcoming events and other news.
They are generally produced quarterly, though COVID lockdown meant that a few issues were not produced in the usual timeframes. The magazines are A5 sized and usually 20 to 24 pages - though the 2018 magazines shown were special A4 editions, with the Autumn 2018 being a bumper 36 pages.
I'm responsible for gathering the information, design and layout, editing, and much of the copywriting. I also produce print ready files and arrange for the magazines to go to a mailing house for posting to households.
The Autumn 2018 magazine (above) was produced at A4 size, and ran to 36 pages, as we had a lot to announce that quarter - with the opening of the new health and wellness building, Stellar Canberra, as well as upcoming major renovations to the Woden venue. A selection of pages is shown above and below - click to view larger versions.
The two spreads above, from Autumn 2018, had their own look within the magazine, mirroring the style of the upcoming Woden Central dining precinct. The renovations were not yet complete so we had no photos available. The spread above left is one of my favourite spreads, as it uses colour, maps and the renders to tell the story well.
Above is the Spring 2018 magazine, also A4 and 24 pages long. Following issues are all A5, as they are quicker to produce and more economical to post out to members.
The Autumn 2021 magazine (above and below) was A5 with 24 pages, and the lead story was the Community Rewards program.
The Winter 2021 edition was A5 with 20 pages, and the spread for the lead story is shown below. We needed to communicate a lot of information so I used a table format for the left side.
Below left, more news of upcoming renovations - this time for the Snapper & Co. precinct. Each magazine has a spread featuring some of the community groups supported by the Canberra Southern Cross Club, shown below right.
Below is the Autumn 2022 issue, A5 with 24 pages, with event catering the lead story for this issue.
Below are two more spreads from the Autumn 2022 issue.
The Winter 2022 issue was a special issue, all about the 50th anniversary of the Club, with a gold background applied to the editorial pages, as shown below.
Each issue also has an 'Around the Clubs' section (below left) and a What's On spread.
I really enjoy designing magazines, with these examples showing a range of different styles of spreads within publication and editorial design.
Magazine design by Jen Leheny for Canberra Southern Cross Club.
These magazines can all be viewed online - some have had a page or two removed from the online version as the removed pages advertise member only gaming promotions.